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Terms of Use (for membership)

Members gain access to information,advice, events, and training. You also become part of a network of organisations that share a similar aim. 


SASE  is a space for those who support the following position on prostitution to meet and share contacts, information and ideas:


Prostitution is a particularly gendered activity, with women most often purchased by men.  Prostitution is an activity that is increasingly recognised as both a cause and a consequence of gender inequality. The presence of prostitution in a society that values equality is a constant reminder that there is much progress to be made in relation to the gender pay gap; the sexualisation of female bodies; and the disproportionate experience of violence and sexual abuse experienced by many women prior to their involvement in prostitution. 


We recognise the involvement of others in prostiutiton and consider this to be a cause and consequence of other forms of inequality and that services are needed to support them. 


SASE rejects the use of the term ‘sex work’ to describe people’s involvement in prostitution and does not accept prostitution as a form of employment. SASE focusses on the context in which choices are made as opposed to any individual choice. 


SASE therefore believe that the most effective and just strategy is one that that focuses legal attention on those who create the demand for prostitution (purchasers); that decriminalises those who are involved in selling sex (predominantly women); that encourages and supports people to leave prostitution through the provision of meaningful exiting support (our main focus); and that rather than normalising prostitution encourages society to understand the power relations and exploitation that commonly occur within this transaction.


SASE believe that it is only through adopting this type of approach that people’s safety, human rights and dignity as well as their equality - particularly gender equality - will be realised. SASE also believes that this will enhance respect and dignity of all members of society.


Please contact us to become a member if you agree with our mission statement and terms of use.


SASE does not support the common pro-prostitution position - which seeks to decriminalise or legalise pimps, punters, and trafficking (as defined by the Palermo Protocol)-  held by many support services, agencies, academics and policy makers.


We reserve the right to refuse membership organisations, individuals or people who are not supportive of and/or would work to undermine our mission and terms of use.  Requests for membership will be considered on an ad-hoc basis by the steering group.


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Click on the logo below to request membership.


You will be signed up to our email updates, which include news, details of events, and sharing of information.


You will only be contacted by email. We have a strict policy that we only send communications that will be of genuine interest to people who support the aim of eradicating sexual exploitation. 

Members will receive: 


- email updates containing news, events, and information 


- exclusive access to training and webinars


- support to develop service provision that eradicates sexual exploitation. This is ubject to SASE's capacity. To request this service please contact SASE via email and we will arrange a phone call. 

​​Contact us:


Registered Charity Number 1178794794.


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