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Success of interventions in Suffolk


BBC 08July 2014


Treating prostitutes as victims rather than criminals after the murders of five women has helped almost eradicate the issue in Ipswich, a report said.

Sex Workers 'Deserve Protection'

National 26 June 2014


Sex workers in Christchurch are experiencing violence or abuse on at least a monthly basis, police say.

Detective Senior Sergeant Darryl Sweeney, the adult sexual assault team manager, said police were concerned by the "fairly common" victimisation of Christchurch's prostitutes, much of which went unreported.


LSBU academic advises parliamentary review on legal status of prostitution


LSBU 03 April 2014


Over the past six months Helen Easton, Senior Lecturer in Criminology at London Southbank University, has been involved in providing evidence to the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Prostitution and the Global Sex Trade.



Punish the client, not the prostitute


EU Parliamentary News 22 February 2014


EU countries should reduce the demand for prostitution by punishing the clients, not the prostitutes, says Parliament in a non-binding resolution passed on Wednesday. It stresses that prostitution violates human dignity and human rights, whether it is forced or voluntary, and calls on member states to find exit strategies and alternative sources of income for women who want to leave prostitution.

Submission in support of Mary Honeyball's Report on sexual exploitation and prostitution

SPACE International  24 February 2014

We write as a global network of researchers in support of Mary Honeyball’s motion for a resolution on sexual exploitation and prostitution and its impact on gender equality (2013/2103(INI).


Punish the client, not the prostitute


EU Parliamentary News 22 February 2014


EU countries should reduce the demand for prostitution by punishing the clients, not the prostitutes, says Parliament in a non-binding resolution passed on Wednesday. It stresses that prostitution violates human dignity and human rights, whether it is forced or voluntary, and calls on member states to find exit strategies and alternative sources of income for women who want to leave prostitution.

Northern Ireland Assembly: Comittee for Justice


Hansard 09 January 2014


Human Trafficking and Exploitation (Further Provisions and Support for Victims) Bill: International Union of Sex Workers

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